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  • 11th RCE Global Conference: Education for the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Europe Regionoal RCE Meeting 2019 will take part in Heraklion
  • European RCE meeting

Dlouhá, Jana, Jiří Dlouhý, a Dana Kapitulčinová. Metodika tvorby a využití případových studií ve výuce a formou Open Educational Resources (OER) (Methodology of development and use of case studies in teaching and as Open Education Resources (OER)). Certifikováno Ministerstvem životního prostředí ČR pod č.j. 7151/ EHV/ 16. Envigogika 11, č. 1 (6. duben 2016). doi:10.14712/18023061.515.

EnviWiki is an Internet platform dedicated to training aimed at the environment and sustainable development. Enviwiki serves to promote interdisciplinary education in higher education and of environmental problems in Czech universities. It provides space for creating, publishing and sharing specialized texts while also offering methodological support. Published articles can be used both by teacher and students also in primary and secondary schools.

Enviwiki web

Envigogika is a specialist, peer-reviewed, professional, open access periodical. Published by Charles University (Prague) since 2006, Envigogika is registered in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences database (ERIH database), and boasts an experienced international Editorial Board.