RCE czechia logo1
    Acredited by logo RCE

RCE Objective: To facilitate a community of practice dedicated to integrating authentic education based on real life experiences into all levels of (formal and informal) education, to embed culture into the model of sustainability for the CR and to engage citizens and residents of the CR in sustainability in order to strengthen democratization.  

RCE Czechia will play a role in:

  • serving as a “clearing house” where different “knowledge holders” can meet and exchange experiences, with benefits for all involved
  • identifying meaningful real-life knowledge and experiences that are important for understanding of the basic assets for sustainable living, in its economic, environmental, cultural and social dimension (e.g. on local business side)
  • providing support for sustainable activities and lifestyles – e.g exploiting traditions of natural and cultural handicraft and developing skills for developing local economies
  • sharing these experiences from the “world of work” with school children and other groups which are confronted mainly with abstract school knowledge, or rather romantic experiences with nature
  • supporting creativity and other skills that are necessary to find individual paths within the general framework for sustainable life

Short and Long Term Objectives:

Short-term objectives

  • Build on the existing networks and partnerships to solidify a coherent community of practice based on shared goals.
  • Expand and involve other institutions and actors
  • Develop collaboration with other RCEs for mutual learning and exchange of good practice
  • Develop a web-based platform for promoting dialogue among the partners and others interested in embedding sustainability in the CR.
  • Social learning processes: As the voices of all involved partners as well as other interested institutions should be heard and recognized by all others, attention will be paid to social learning processes.

Long-term objectives

  • Develop a model for support and application of sustainable lifestyles in the Czech cultural context, including traditional local knowledge and practices, and sustainable use of natural and cultural assets to develop local economies.
  • Reach recognition at national level and consequently serve as a national model of sustainability oriented cooperation of diverse stakeholders. As this will be the first RCE in the Czech Republic, it is hoped that other similar RCEs will be consequently generated (originated newly or by splitting of the RCE Czechia). Through the involvement of the applicant in the government structures, it is hoped that the implemented strategies might receive a systemic character (be incorporated in SD oriented governmental strategies).
  • Accelerate the transformation process toward education for ESD
  • Encourage the acceptance of the equal importance of the four pillars of sustainability in the political, local government, academic and NGO sectors
  • Raise public awareness and action about the key sustainability issues in Czech regions, especially as it concerns threatened biodiversity, sustainable agriculture, desertification, and traditional knowledge for a sustainable way of life in the region
  • Support democratic processes by encouraging engagement with the above issues.